The first section did a good job introducing the idea of the
whole text itself: about drawing and its history as the topic of
discussion. Though I do think this
section is a statement that I can overall agree with, some of the ideas were
difficult to perceive, such as the world being a human’s “canvas” as they’re
just naturally “born to draw”. I understand this because it is true, but maybe
just don’t understand in the sense that I wasn’t very fond of the wording or
context it was assembled in. I think the writer is describing drawing as a habit
much more than an interest or hobby- being the name of this part, “to Draw Is
To Be Human”. However I think of art as a developed hobby; sure it is a habit,
but only few go on to improve it, and realistically in our particular
situation, a modern Western society, it is clear to see why so few have developed
this habit when it is looked down upon.
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